All the regular safety tips always apply for older adults, but if your senior has COPD, there may be some specific tips you need to put into practice. COPD adds another element to your senior’s situation that does need to be addressed.
Home Health Care in West Bloomfield MI: COPD
Single-floor Living Is Preferable to Multi-floor Living
Even one step up into your senior’s home can be a lot for her to manage. If the home she’s living in currently is more than one story, your senior may want to consider consolidating her living space onto the main floor. If your senior is open to moving, a single floor living space with a walk-in feature is likely the best option. It takes a lot out of your senior to go up and down even one or two stairs.
Oxygen Brings its Own Risks
If your elderly family member is on oxygen therapy, either temporarily or all the time, there are some special safety considerations for you to think about. Oxygen itself is safe, but it is a fuel for a fire. Keeping oxygen tanks and concentrators away from sources of heat and from open flames is really important. It’s also important to pay attention to cords and tubes connected to the oxygen because those can become tripping hazards.
Keeping Her Balance Is Crucial
Helping your elderly family member to keep her balance at home is another important task. Having difficulty breathing can mean that everyday activities like just walking through her home can be more demanding for her. Making sure that she has stable footing, especially by wearing properly fitted shoes, is key. It’s also important that your elderly family member has access to grab bars and assistive devices, like a cane, on days that are more difficult for her.
Clutter Can Be Downright Dangerous
Something else that’s a potential problem is clutter. Your senior is going to burn a lot of energy trying to get around in a cluttered environment and that takes away the energy she needs in order to breathe and to function. If your elderly family member needs help to keep her home as tidy and clutter-free as possible, elderly care providers are an excellent solution. They can help with routine household tasks, freeing your senior’s energy for other things, and ensuring she’s able to safely navigate her home.
COPD takes a toll on your senior’s body. Because of that, she needs to make accommodations in other parts of her life to ensure that she’s as safe as possible. Working with you and her doctor to find more of those solutions can be incredibly helpful for her, especially if she plans to age in place.
If you or an aging loved-one are considering Home Care in Bloomfield Hills, MI, please contact the caring staff at Alliance Senior Care today. Call (248) 274-2170.