
The COVID-19 pandemic has gotten many people stressed and overwhelmed. If your elderly loved one is feeling the stress from this pandemic, it is important to do what you can to help them relax. If you can’t be there to help them out, be sure there home care providers are helping them to stay calm. By doing the things mentioned below, your elderly loved one can stay relaxed during this pandemic.

Home Care in Rochester MI: Senior Relaxation Tips

Relaxing the Body and Mind

It is very important for your elderly loved one to relax their body and mind. There are numerous ways they can do this including stretching, taking deep breaths, meditating, praying, or doing an activity they love. By relaxing the body and mind together, your elderly loved one can stay calm during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Pacing Oneself

If your elderly loved one is feeling stressed out because of the COVID-19 pandemic, it is important to help them calm down and relax. One of the ways they can do this is by pacing themselves. For instance, if they have hard tasks to do (such as cleaning, gardening, or exercising), it is important to have them do a fun task or activity after each of the hard ones. This will help them reduce their stress level and realize that fun things can still happen, even during the pandemic.

Talking it Through

Stress can hit your elderly loved one hard, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. With this being said, it may be helpful for your elderly loved one to talk things through. Be sure you call you’re elderly loved one at least a few times a week. Let them vent to you if they are stressed out. If they have any concerns about the coronavirus, let them ask you questions. If you don’t have the immediate answers, tell them you will get back to them.

Having a Home Care Provider Around More Often

Your elderly loved one may also be stressed because they are feeling alone during this pandemic. Since in many areas family members and friends aren’t supposed to be congregating together, it may be beneficial for your elderly loved one to have their home care provider around more often. This can give them someone to spend time with and someone to talk to.

These are some of the ways that you can help your elderly loved one to stay relaxed during the COVID-19 pandemic. By doing these things, they can stay calm, happier, and lower their stress levels.

If you or an aging loved-one are considering hiring a Home Care in Rochester, MI, please contact the caring staff at Alliance Senior Care today.

Call (248) 274-2170

If you or an aging loved-one are considering Home Health Care in Farmington, MI, please contact the caring staff at Alliance Senior Care today. Call (248) 274-2170.

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