
I Love What I Do

The other day, I stopped in and checked in on one of my clients.  It is a couple, and we are caring for the wife, with moderate Alzheimer’s.  She is one of our clients on the Integrated Wellness Program.

It was a great visit!! The client was alert and engaged in the conversation.  When I first met her, she could not stay awake during the assessment.  We sang songs, played games and she showed me the exercises that she was doing daily with the caregivers.

I spoke to the husband about his own needs.  He was now comfortable with his wife’s care.  He has had the same two caregivers 6 days a week, since we started service in December.  Now, it was time for him to think about his own needs and re-engaging into activities that he used to enjoy.  He told me he was thinking about reconnecting with a volunteer organization he enjoyed working with.

We talked about opportunities at the local senior center for exercise and various other opportunities.  Even though, she is the client named on the care plan, the health, happiness and welfare of the rest of the family is also our concern.

Happy Valentine’s Day

As I was about to leave, the husband hands me a chocolate rose.  He thanks me for stopping by and wishes me a Happy Valentine’s Day.  It put a big smile on my face and reminding me how much I love what I do.  I get to work with great people and bring not only care, but peace of mind and comfort to them and their families.  It is so gratifying.

Thank you to all my wonderful clients and my exceptional staff of caregivers.  Happy Valentine’s Day!!!

Home Care are an excellent resource for family caregivers and seniors alike.

Home Care solutions offer a wide range of services providing healthcare, daily living assistance, transportation to and from Doctor’s appointments and tailored care services for additional circumstances.

If you or an aging loved-one are considering hiring a Caregiver in Bloomfield Hills, MI, please contact the caring staff at Alliance Senior Care today.
Call (248) 274-2170.

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