7 Things to Remember to Ensure a Safe Discharge …from the Hospital or Rehabilitation Center
Once older adults have gone to the hospital or rehabilitation center, returning home can be overwhelming. They may have been away from home for several weeks or even months. It is likely that are weaker a result of injury, illness or surgery than when they left.
Older Adults sometimes get a false sense of security because they were functioning very well in medically supervised setting. When considering how well your loved one will transition home, take these factors into account that home:
- They may not be able to access certain parts of their home due to stairs or steps.
- Doorways are oftentimes not wide enough to accommodate walkers and wheelchairs.
- The carpet or rugs make using a walker or wheelchair difficult and dangerous.
- Grab bars are not available around the bathroom.
- Care is not available 24 hours a day. Your loved one may not need care all of the time, but may need assistance with more challenging tasks, like dressing and bathing.
- Making meals can be challenging and require a lot of planning and preparation.
- They may not understand all of the medication changes that were made.
All of these factors can make returning home overwhelming and dangerous. The Specialty Care Services is specifically designed to assist the clients returning home. Client’s initially receive the highest level of care and then care tapers off as the client adjusts to their surroundings.
To learn more about how Home Care can help improve your loved ones’ quality of life, call Alliance Senior Care at 248-274-2170. It’s not just Home Care, it is Integrated Care.
Home Care are an excellent resource for family caregivers and seniors alike.
Alliance Senior Care Home Care solutions offer a wide range of services providing healthcare, daily living assistance, transportation to and from Doctor’s appointments and tailored care services for additional circumstances.